“Slow breathing is like an anchor in the midst of an emotional storm: the anchor won't make the storm goes away, but it will hold you steady until it passes.”

— Russ Harris

Anxiety is a very common issue with over 40 million adults affected by it in the U.S., according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA). We often get anxious about various things, such as a test we must prepare for, public speaking, or social situations in general. As the ADAA points out, there are various types of anxiety disorders, such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Social Anxiety Disorder, most of which are highly treatable. However, only approximately a third of those suffering from anxiety receive treatment. If you are experiencing anxiety, be mindful of any depressive thoughts or feelings as it is very common for depression to accompany anxiety and vice versa.

Although there are many similarities in how anxiety manifests, it is a unique experience to each person. Thus, our goal is help you understand what anxiety means to you. So we’re dedicated to creating a safe space for you to explore your anxiety and help alleviate some of its symptoms.

What is anxiety?

This question is difficult to answer because anxiety manifests differently for each person and through different disorders (e.g., GAD, Phobias, etc.). In general, many individuals report the following symptoms:

  • Tension or tightness in the chest area

  • Feeling nervous or restless

  • Feeling panic or a sense of impending danger

  • Increased heart rate

  • Rapid breathing

  • Sweating and/or trembling

  • Issues with sleeping

Although psychotherapy alone can often reduce anxiety, the combination of psychotherapy and medication (usually prescribed by a psychiatrist) helps many of those suffering from anxiety. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one type of therapy that is frequently used to treat anxiety, which is a relatively short-term therapy. Psychotherapy is often an effort to help individuals understand their anxiety better and view their anxiety through a different perspective, one that alleviates feeling afraid about anxiety.

How we can help

Insight-Oriented Therapy (Psychodynamic)
Insight-oriented therapy is based on the belief that through increased consciousness we can create new life experiences. This therapeutic process involves the therapist and client exploring and gaining a better understanding of how feelings, beliefs, actions, and events from the past may be influencing our current mindset and circumstances. The goal of insight-oriented therapy is to empower you with a sense of clarity so that you have the freedom to make new, adaptive, and healthier choices that support your continuing growth.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
This process is focused on addressing thought patterns, physical symptoms, and behaviors. Research shows that CBT is a very effective form of treating a variety of issues. Through compassionate and supportive care, we hope to create a safe space for you to feel comfortable in starting the process toward growth and reducing the feelings of depression and anxiety you may be feeling. CBT can be used alone or combined with mindfulness/meditation.

Mindfulness Practices
Through consistent practice, like meditation, we become more focused on the present and understand our experience in the here-and-now. Mindfulness teaches us to shift our attention away from negative thought patterns that lead to the unsatisfactory and problematic thoughts and behaviors and move toward positive and meaningful growth. Mindfulness can used alone or combined with insight-oriented therapy and CBT.

Reach out today to better understand your anxiety and regain control of your life.